DIDS, your work for me is an inspiration to do my own work. I really love your work! . I am exploring collages world. My artwork is in my web site
www.nellynazario.weebly.com And my blog www.nazarioartpaiting.wordpress.com www.artpaintingshiddentales.blospot.com
I am very far of your country, I am from Puerto Rico but I Iive in Louisiana USA to take one of your class. But why you don't do a book.? Because your work is wonderful. Congratulation for your amazing artwork!
Hi Nelly. Thanks for the kind words. Had a look at your website, your work is amazing. I LOVE your collages, it also gives me inspiration in return. Will keep a lookout for your work. Dids
I am an artist and try to create something every day. I have been creative my whole life. Crafts are my first love, espesialy paper collage. I started doing oil paintings a few years ago and find it a wonderfull way to express my fun and colourfull side in a whole new way. It also gives my collages a new look.
My new venture is a whole range of felt products. Every item is handmade with care and love.
DIDS, your work for me is an inspiration to do my own work. I really love your work! . I am exploring collages world. My artwork is in my web site
And my blog
I am very far of your country, I am from Puerto Rico but I Iive in Louisiana USA to take one of your class. But why you don't do a book.? Because your work is wonderful.
Congratulation for your amazing artwork!
Hi Nelly. Thanks for the kind words. Had a look at your website, your work is amazing. I LOVE your collages, it also gives me inspiration in return. Will keep a lookout for your work. Dids
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